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Sassy Scoop: Get natural, skin deep-beauty with Alexiares & Ani

Style & BeautyPost Category - Style & BeautyStyle & Beauty - Post Category - BeautyBeauty

Alright Mamas, time to ‘fess up to your misspent youth of suntanning (with oils, not blocks) and falling asleep with layers of makeup still on. But hold on, before you panic and commission a search for the Elixir of Youth, take stock of new beauty kid on the block Alexiares & Ani, an independent skincare brand that launched in Singapore this past May. They want you to control your own skin regimen based on what works for your skin. And they’re the first to admit that the true route to lasting beauty takes some work by looking after your skin and keeping it healthy.

Say what, Mamas? We teach our daughters that beauty comes from within! The great thing is, Alexiares & Ani think those are words to live by. Products gentle on sensitive skin (hello, lack of discretionary sunbathing!) are just the beginning; they also supplement the natural protectiveness and restorative properties the skin already has – from within.

We love that Alexiares & Ani products are free of chemicals that trigger inflammation, and they don’t contain sulphates, synthetic fragrances, formaldehyde-releasing preservatives or harsh solvent alcohols that might irritate the skin. Instead, they utilise natural plant and mineral extracts that have a long history of skin benefits. These “pro-skin” ingredients encourage a natural skin renewal processes in a way that’s not invasive.

Alexiares & Ani also provide vital information aimed to empower Mamas on how to redress bad skincare habits and dispel urban myths. Beware damaging your skin by over-stripping and over-scrubbing it, using pharmaceutical products, not using adequate UV protection (ahem), eating junk food and having late nights. If we’re not too old to learn these valuable lessons, surely we can share the wisdom with our daughters, too! Check out their blog and website for accessible and free skincare advice at

So keep calm and carry on, Mamas, and highfoot it to the stockists below or order online from their website. The most popular products to check out are: The Temptress Vitamin Cleansing Lotion, The Luminary Vitamin Clay Masque, the Archangel Antioxidant Serum, and The Pacifist Moisturizing Lotion. None of Alexiares & Ani’s products are tested on animals.

Hurry if you want to catch the special 20% discount sale Mamas! It’s on until 4 November 2014, online and at the stockists: Mondays Off (, 76 Haji Lane) and Bloesem (, 59 Eng Hoon Street).

Brought to you in partnership with Alexiares & Ani

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