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Sassy Mama Tries: Body contouring with Venus Freeze

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I’m pretty much the biggest cynic ever when it comes to beauty treatments, so it therefore gets decided by the Sassy Mama team that I’m the perfect person to try them! I’ve toned down my eye-rolling when I’m listening to therapists extol the virtues of various new technologies and products to the absolute minimum (I’m pretty sure it’s just in my head right now) and always follow the common sense path of good diet, exercise and sunscreen, knowing that my fair northern European skin means I’m pretty much screwed when it comes to aging anyway! Post-Christmas though I was looking for a bit of a miracle – our whole family came down with the flu and we basically sat around munching choccies on the sofa and feeling sorry for ourselves for two weeks. So when the offer came in to try out Venus Freeze, a body contouring treatment that promises to tone, firm and reduce cellulite, it sounded worth a shot.

Venus Freeze Treatment 2

Venus Freeze is only available at ONLY Group in Singapore – a small chain of premium aesthetic clinics known for their high-tech approach, with branches conveniently located at Raffles Place, Holland Village and Dhoby Ghaut. Despite being called Venus Freeze, the treatment actually involves your therapist applying targeted heat (up to 45 degrees celcius) to “problem areas” with a firm massaging technique, which I was told would feel a little like a hot stone massage. But first, I had to have my “before” pics taken, which was an amusing experience and one actually perfect for mamas who are clinically proven to be immune to embarrassment. I had identified my personal problem area as my upper thighs and bum, so I had to hitch up my paper knickers for a bottom shot. Then I hopped onto the table for my treatment to begin. How does it work? Well, I’m not entirely sure – something to do with magnets and the heat generated by them stimulating collagen production? This means it isn’t only great for your body, but good for your face too for skin tightening and wrinkle reducing. It won’t have a permanent effect – it’s a temporary solution, but something you can apparently maintain with regular visits.


The treatment itself was fairly relaxing though a few times the gizmo got so hot I asked the therapist to turn it down as I was a bit worried about getting burned. I do have super-sensitive, thin skin though, and am a bit of a wimp, so I’m sure for anyone else it would be fine. The whole process took around 25 minutes, doing one leg and then the other, and apart from a bit of reddening which went away after 5 minutes, there was no downtime and I walked straight out of the clinic afterwards (after having my “after” pic shown to me of course!).

Sassy Mama Verdict: I have to admit, I did see a bit of a difference after the treatment (although they say 6 sessions are needed before a real difference shows). My upper thighs felt tighter and firmer and I was a little bit more confident in shorts for a few days! I probably wouldn’t do it again personally as the time involved in going for the sessions would take too much time out of my day versus how much I think about my thighs, but if I were going away on a beach holiday or wanted to boost my body confidence (and money were no object) I’d definitely consider giving it another try.

Venus Freeze treatments start from $388 per session based on buying a package of sessions. The number of sessions recommended are based on a client’s individual needs.

The Only Group
Various locations across Singapore


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