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Ultimate Guide to Doulas in Singapore

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Read on for our guide to doulas in Singapore, plus top tips on choosing the right doula for you!

Although having a baby is an exciting time, it can also foster fear and anxiety, especially if you’re far from family or worried that you won’t achieve your ideal birth plan. Engaging a doula can help you stay calm and focused before, during and after birth, ensuring you feel empowered through the process!

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What is a Doula?
How to Choose a Doula
Doulas in Singapore

hypno birthing class meditation

What is a Doula?

The Greek word “doula” refers to a “woman who serves”. Today, a doula is defined as a birth companion who supports a woman and her partner from the antenatal to postnatal journey in a non-clinical role. She can be a source of information, and provide emotional and physical support.

Every woman has different needs, so a doula’s role will constantly change. In fact, you can determine your doula’s role. Doulas do not perform any clinical tasks, which are solely done by the obstetrician and the nurse/midwives. Doulas can, however, offer a continuity of care that you rarely get in a hospital setting. Your doula will meet with you several times before your baby’s birthday and will come to you while you are still at home, if this is what you want. She also follows up after your birth and is able to provide contacts should you require anything post-natally, such as breastfeeding support. Doulas have a deep understanding of how birth works and, equally importantly, how things work in Singapore, so can answer the many questions that you and your partner may have.

It’s important to note a doula is not there to take over the role of your partner, but to support them as well. Reminding them of their role in childbirth, and making sure they stay involved. At the end of the day it isn’t how you birth your baby that matters. It is that you felt respected, supported and made decisions that were best for you at the time. A doula should not judge your decisions, but support you with open arms and an open heart.

There are several active doulas in Singapore and they are accepted into the following hospitals, providing they are certified and registered:

How to Choose a Doula

1. Interview more than one doula. This is a very intimate time for you and your partner and you want to feel comfortable with whoever accompanies you through this journey. She can be with you for up to 24 hours or longer, so you want to make sure the fit is right.

2. Ask questions! Always enquire about cancellation policies, what happens in the event you have a cesarean section, whether the doula has a backup in case they are unable to attend the birth, etc.

3. A good doula should have great listening skills. After all, this event is about you, your partner and your baby. It is up to you as a couple to determine her role.

4. Is your doula certified, and if so, by whom? Make sure your doula has the credentials to back up her services.

5. What types of births does your doula have experience in? This will give you a rough idea of how much experience she has and if she will be prepared for various scenarios.

With these pointers in mind, we hope you can make an informed decision on a suitable doula for you and your partner! Keep reading for our top recommendations for doulas in Singapore.

Doulas in Singapore

doula singapore chantel blooming births

Blooming Births

Founded by Chantel, Blooming Births was created to help couples embody their new roles, from pre-conception to pregnancy, birth and beyond into parenting. Her unique Childbirth with Love antenatal class takes you through a transformational journey, bringing back celebration to your body and new roles as parents. Chantel’s practice focuses on connection through self-discovery and inner healing with ourselves and our partners, bodywork using movement and therapy, integration of evidence-based information and holistic approaches where she brings together Eastern and Western practices, and acceptance of your new body and relationship. She is passionate about helping couples connect deeper with each other, reducing birth trauma and breaking generational trauma to raise kind and empathetic children. She is also a HypnoBirthing Practitioner, Fertility Coach, Childbirth Educator, VBAC Linked Doula, trained in Optimal Maternal Positioning and Spinning Babies modalities. Blooming Births offers birth and postpartum doula services, fertility coaching, womb massage, vaginal steaming, VBAC preparation, multiple pregnancy preparation and breastfeeding support.

Tel: (+65) 9171 4357
[email protected]
IG: @bloomingbirthsdoulas

doula lorraine

Doula Lorraine

Feeling empowered after achieving a natural birth with her second child in 2016, Lorraine embarked on a journey to being a doula. She first began with a Birth Doula certification and has most recently gained the title of Hypnobirthing educator with the Mongan Method. Now Lorraine is a certified birth doula with VBAC experience and provides Hypnobirthing classes. And because she works mostly on her own and takes a limited number of jobs per month, you’ll enjoy Lorraine’s undivided attention from birth preparation to the labour room (it’s unlikely that you’ll see a backup doula on the day you give birth!). Lorraine’s rates also come at a lower price than most, at just $1,400 per package and includes the tens machine.
WhatsApp: (+65) 9384 7453

doulas singapore wonder births pregnancy labour

Wonder Births

Wonder Births is made up of a team of experienced doulas, childbirth educators and Prenatal/Postnatal Yoga and Womb Yoga teachers, committed to bringing back the wonder of birth. Past clients sing nothing but praises for Rowena and Dewi’s services! You’ll be introduced to the world of birth and beyond through movement, physiology, and psyche, in order to prepare the body for labour and birth and manage uncertainty, anxiety and pain. Training at Wonder Births includes Spinning Babies, Optimal Maternal Positioning, Womb Yoga, Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga (complimentary prenatal yoga classes at Terra Luna Yoga!), Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Meditation and more. They also provide postpartum support, bereavement support and fertility support. Wonder Births holds certificates by DONA International and VBAC Link Advanced Doula Certification.

[email protected]
IG: @wonderbirths

Beloved Bumps

Beloved Bumps has a 5-star rated antenatal course (which includes a happiness guarantee!), a great team of doulas (who are all midwives) and loads of pre- and postnatal exercise classes. Read more about their services here!

Beloved BumpsThe Herencia#03-05, 46 Kim Yam Road, Singapore, 239351, email [email protected] or Tel: (+65) 8809 8623,    

Four Trimesters

This very popular doula practice offers personal birthing support as well as having a team of lactation consultants on staff. Four Trimesters was founded by Amy Chin-Atkins who makes the proud (and impressive!) boast that more than 80% of her clients have had drug-free births and have subsequently gone on to breastfeed successfully.
IG: @fourtrimestersbirthsanctuary

The Womb Service

Hajjar of The Womb Service is a Doula and Childbirth Educator who aims to equip mamas-to-be with knowledge to make informed decisions during pregnancy, labour and birth. Women have been benefitting from her childbirth preparation classes for years (me included! – Editor, Syaz) so she comes highly recommended.
IG: @thewombservice

Alternatively, you can also check out the full list of registered doulas available in Singapore here!

More information on Doulas in Singapore can be made by contacting [email protected]

Lead image sourced via Getty

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