A face-lift you say? Why yes it was mamas — not in the needles and surgery kind of way, but in the non-invasive, totally relaxed, I took-a-nap while I was there kind of way. And where does mama get one of these treatments you ask? At a cute-as-a-button clinic called PhysioAesthetics of course!
Tucked away in Camden Medical Centre, the super friendly ladies at PhysioAesthetics are well versed in the needs of women who need a little lift (and for this mama that “lift” was an hour of uninterrupted pampering time!). Their range of non-invasive facial treatments use nano-technology to boost the cellular communication needed to improve skin firmness and elasticity. And while I did my best to understand exactly what that meant (it’s essentially a low-level current “massaged” into the face that assists in skin renewal and repair) I decided to lend myself over to the process instead — in this case my lovely therapist’s hands — and let the treatment speak for itself.
After a quick chat with my therapist about what I needed (basically a desire to lose my under eye bags that have permanently settled in since having kids) she decided that the Pico Face Lift was the way to go. One of their most popular treatments, the Pico Face Lift promises to reduce lines and wrinkles and give you a younger and more rested look — oh yes please!
The treatment itself was relaxing enough — you basically lie in a quietened room under a comfy blanket while your therapist uses gently charged “sticks” (see above mamas!) to massage your face and neck. A gel is applied to your face beforehand to assist with the massage and the therapist gently increases the frequency of the “sticks” as she works on your face. While the instrument isn’t heated, they do give off a small charge so whenever they passed over bone (like my chin) or near my teeth, I did get a bit of an uncomfortable tingly sensation in my jaw — weird but not painful! The whole treatment took about 90 minutes — 45 minutes per side of the face — and while that might seem a tad on the excessive side, when you’re catching a few zzzz’s the time really flies by.
Sassy Mama Verdict: OK, so I will admit that I did see a small difference after the treatment. While it wasn’t a stop-you-in-your-tracks kind of difference, it was enough that I felt a bit fresher and healthier looking (to get the best results it’s recommended you do at least one session per month for 3 to 4 months). And while the effect did wear off over the week, if I was really committed to aging prevention then it is definitely something I would consider investing more time and energy into. If however you’re after a relaxing way to look a bit perkier (maybe for a function or a special event) it’s something I’d certainly look at doing again!
The Pico Face Lift treatment costs $350 for a 90 minute treatment. PhysioAesethetics also offers a range of facials and other body firming treatments too.
1 Orchard Boulevard, #04-06 Camden Medical Centre, Singapore 248649
Tel: (+65) 6836 7731
E: [email protected]
Open: Tue – Fri 9:30am – 6:30pm, Sat 9:30am – 5:30pm [closed Sun, Mon & PH]