With a topnotch reputation as the oldest British international school in Southeast Asia, Tanglin Trust School continues to lead the pack as Asia’s first nursery to achieve Curiosity Approach accreditation
Anyone familiar with the international school landscape in Singapore knows about Tanglin Trust School – founded way back in 1925 (almost half a century before Singapore became Singapore!), it’s the oldest British international school in Southeast Asia, providing the English National Curriculum (with an international perspective, of course) to children of diverse nationalities from ages 3 to 18.
Not one to simply coast on its sterling reputation, Tanglin is consistently looking to update and innovate to ensure high levels of engagement, attainment and true ownership of learning amongst its students – whether through outstanding A-Levels and IB Diploma Results by its oldest students, or by introducing an innovative early childhood framework known as The Curiosity Approach at the Nursery level.
What is The Curiosity Approach?
Established in the British Midlands (where it’s gained national prominence after the BBC covered it as “The Nursery without Toys”), The Curiosity Approach draws on renowned early childhood philosophies such as Reggio Emilia, Montessori and New Zealand’s Te Whariki. Its aim is to create an environment where children’s natural desire to learn can grow and flourish, in turn stimulating and nurturing a lifelong love of learning through a curriculum filled with awe and wonder.

These principles are in keeping with Tanglin Trust’s child-led approach, which has always sought to encourage its Nursery children’s interests and natural curiosities. With highly skilled and experienced teachers, Tanglin’s Nursery programme has crafted an inspired learning environment that’s resulted in a truly personalised curriculum for each child.
How the Tanglin Nursery Nurtures a Love of Learning
According to Tanglin’s Head of Infant School Paula Craigie, empowering children with the ability to independently access everything in the classroom – including recycled materials and basic, everyday items like a box or milk carton – has boosted their own sense of independence and increased their awareness of their own surroundings. Using real objects like ceramic tea sets or scissors has given them a heightened awareness of safety and respect, while also bolstering their imaginations, inquisitive minds, communications and social skills.
“Each day, our classrooms and outdoor areas are a magical hive of activity where children can eagerly explore!” she enthuses.

Indeed, as much learning as takes place inside Tanglin Trust’s Nursery classrooms, just as much takes place outside, where children have the freedom to explore with an outdoor kitchen, music shed, and motor skill-boosting balance bikes, as well as boulder the climbing wall in the sports hall.
All of this translates to high levels of engagement and attainment, which might sound strange from a preschool perspective, but has proven to provide children the right foundations to embark on their learning journey at Tanglin, and in life.
Oh and, by the way, along with Tanglin’s strong reputation and record, it’s understandably notorious for long waiting lists and difficulty securing a spot. It just so happens that the Nursery is a great entry point to Tanglin in terms of availability! Just another reason to give Tanglin Trust’s Nursery a long look when considering preschools…

Want to learn more? Come see the Nursery in action at Tanglin Trust School’s upcoming Nursery Open Morning on Thursday 26 September. See below for all the deets, and click here to register!
All the details!
What: Tanglin Trust School Nursery Open Morning (for ages 3 to 5)
When: Thursday 26 September, 2019
Timing: 9am to 11am
Where: Tanglin Trust School, 95 Portsdown Road, Singapore 139299
RSVP: Click here to register!
Tanglin Trust School, 95 Portsdown Road, Singapore 139299, email [email protected] or Tel: (+65) 6778 0771, www.tts.edu.sg