Maternity Insurance doesn’t need to be complicated, you just have to know the basics. Here’s where to get the best coverage at the best price — simple!
Are you pregnant, mama? There are few better places on Earth to give birth in than Singapore, which offers world-class hospitals and one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world.
But that does come at a price… pregnancy in Singapore is expensive, mama! Particularly for expats: private, single-room delivery packages for normal delivery can cost $11,267, with Caesarean delivery packages running up to as much as $17,125! And that’s just for delivery; there’s still anesthesia and doctors’ fees on top of that! (Source: Ministry of Health)
A good family health insurance plan will be highly customizable, with the option to cover things like OBGYN consults, prenatal checkups and scans, delivery costs, neonatal care and much more. Some plans even cover fertility treatments.
So clearly maternity insurance is a no-brainer. Ideally, you’ll want to sign up for it before falling pregnant, as policies typically require a 10-month waiting period before claims are eligible for payment. Anything less than that (eg, you sign up for maternity insurance but then get pregnant four months later) and unfortunately you’ll be paying out of pocket throughout your pregnancy. Yikes!
Want to know more? Pacific Prime Insurance has set up a super handy Singapore Maternity Insurance Guide that covers all the nitty gritty details. What’s more, they present all the info in a simple, easy-to-understand manner.
Pacific Prime is an expat fave thanks to the shortest waiting periods on the market. They also offer outstanding value; because they enjoy the unique advantage of working with multiple leading insurers, you get access to a greater variety of plans than any single company or agent could offer. They’re all about securing clients the most competitively priced plans in relation to benefits, and strive to offer the most comprehensive maternity insurance plans in Singapore.
The handy dandy Singapore Maternity Insurance Guide draws on maternity care information and insurance data gathered over the past 10 years by Pacific Prime’s team of Singapore-based insurance advisors. It’s truly an invaluable resource for mothers-to-be in the Lion City, covering topics like
- How much you can expect to pay for maternity care
- A glossary of important maternity insurance terms every parent-to-be should know
- Tips for finding the best maternity insurance plan
- The impact of Zika virus in Singapore and much more
Ready to start your pregnancy journey? Contact Pacific Prime today and start counting down that waiting period!
Pacific Prime Singapore, 18 Cross Street, China Square Central #14-05, Singapore 048423, email [email protected] or Tel: (+65) 6346 3781, www.pacificprime.sg