Gorgeous Singapore maternity photos in Sassy Mama’s ‘The Bump’!
This month’s ‘The Bump’ is Singaporean mama of two Nazriah Low. Her daughter Naima was born in 2014, and this past October she gave birth to her son Noah following the gorgeous maternity shoot featured below. Read on for Nazriah’s funny and down-to-earth pregnancy recollections (this is a cravings first!), along with a very sweet tribute to the important mamas in her own life.
What was your reaction when you first found out you were pregnant?
Elated, completely over the moon, super happy. I literally jumped for joy in the doctor’s office, fist pumping, and high-fived my husband!
Your funniest memory over the 9 months?
You know what? I simply cannot remember! My memory has stayed true to the “preggo brain!”
Any great books and resources that prepared you for when your baby arrived?
I had What to expect: The First Year by Heidi Murkoff on my shelf as a reference along with The Wonder Weeks.
I also watched What to Expect When You’re Expecting (the movie) and the TV show Born Every Minute from the UK & US.
Most of the time, I’m very lucky to have a tight-knit group of mothers in my neighbourhood who are experienced moms of two or three kids, who share any information/tips about childbirth, baby care, self care, anything at all! Since we live next door to each other, they are my reference guides!
Oh and my mum too, she had lots of “old wives tales” to tell me!
What do you think every woman should know before getting pregnant?
Being pregnant and having a baby is a LIFE CHANGER….
At best, you’ll get little or no sleep, you’ll constantly worry, your body changes, your emotions go GAGA, your hormones will drive you craycray… but it’s ALL worth it
Women trying to get pregnant should also know that it is ok if you don’t succeed the first, second time. Just keep trying….don’t stress yourself out, or else it won’t happen.
What was the easiest trimester and which one proved most difficult?
Most difficult was the first one. I was tired all the time, super cranky and overemotional, and my skin broke out a little too. (The first first pregnancy, I didn’t have any morning sickness, with the second pregnancy it only happened in the evenings, and any sort of food smell would make me want to throw up.)
Easiest was second to third trimester: I had the most energy, my moods picked up, I started to exercise and I could finally socialize and be normal again. Oh! I was having that “pregnancy glow”.
Did you follow a fitness programme while you were pregnant?
Both pregnancies, I did yoga til I was 38 weeks! I also did evening walks around my compound and swam (ok, I dipped in the pool).
Any fashion tips and tricks for maternity dressing?
I liked a lot of colour! Dresses, tops which doubled up as nursing wear too.
And of course comfortable shoes, sandals and pedicured toes!
Did you have any weird and wonderful cravings?
My first pregnancy, I was craving Feijoa, a fruit from New Zealand, somewhat similar to Kiwi, with a very distinct taste.
When I was visiting my in laws, they had people selling them by the roadside for $5 a kilo! I finished 2kgs in one sitting, my husband or brother-in-law had to buy them every day when I was there. I was going through withdrawal symptoms when I came home.
What did you struggle with most being pregnant?
Heartburn …haha. I could not stop eating spicy food, so I suffered at night! It was horrible; sometimes I fell asleep sitting up.
Name a mama you find inspiring and why?
I have two:
My mother, who raised five kids overseas, without family to help her out.
And my mother-in-law, who raised eight kids all by herself.
They are, to me, the epitome of Motherhood goodness. They never complained, did everything by themselves, cared for children, cooked, cleaned, played, baked cakes, organized birthday parties…
I am completely amazed by their independence, strength, selflessness and boundless love.
I look up to them for inspiration, I don’t know how they did it.
What are your thoughts about finding out the sex in advance?
I feel it’s up to the couple. Some want to keep it as a surprise, some want to know. A personal decision.
Did it take you some time getting pregnant or were you one of those mamas who got lucky on the first try?
I was very lucky and blessed to get pregnant on the first try for both.
What kind of birth did you have? (hospital, home, epidural, c-section, with a doula, etc.)
Hospital, with epidural, for both. I’d planned for natural but had to go for emergency C-Section for the first. I planned for a VBAC for the second but had to go to for another emergency C-Section.
What helped you get your groove back after being pregnant?
My husband, my active toddler, music, friends, house parties, BBQs, socializing. And Date Day/Night.
Do you have any mama-friendly favourite places (restaurants, parks, etc.) to hang out with your baby? Why?
Café Melba, Coastes, East Coast Park…
We love the outdoors and being around nature, it helps to teach our toddler about the environment, living things (bugs,insects, pets, trees, flowers), plus there’s lots of space to run around and exhaust their energy.
Any local businesses (or websites) that made your pregnancy journey easier?
Sassy Mama, The Wonder Weeks app, BabyCenter app, and the What to Expect app.
What are your hopes and dreams for your children?
That they grow up to be kind, respectful, independent thinkers, who stay true to themselves, work hard and play hard too.
Thank you so much, Nazriah! And thanks so much to the fab team at Bambini Photography for sharing these absolutely stunning photos. Stay tuned for photos from their new Composite Photography series!