Let these beautiful baby photos brighten your day!
Whether you’re dealing with morning sickness or the discomfort of late third trimester, we’ve got the perfect thing to cheer you up and lighten the mood, mama. Just think how nicely your own adorable little one will soon fit into this parade of cuteness!
Mamas: we often spend a lot of time worrying about things that don’t really matter
We have a lot of things on our mind… all the time
We work work work work work… and then we work some more
… It feels like there’s barely any time for some quality zzzz
Yeah… It’s tough being a mama
So don’t forget to pamper yourself
Dress up from time to time
Blow up some balloons and celebrate the little things in life
Make time for friends
… Because they’ll have your back through the thick and thin
Eat Cake
.. And drink a lot of virgin mojitos
Take a power nap every once in a while
Buy yourself something you’ve always wanted
…Even if it means that you’ll need to splash some cash
Always remember to smile, mama
Because today is a good day… especially since you’ve got someone special on the way!